Cloud Based Security Solutions for Vessel Cyber Protection

A major player in the maritime industry, needed a comprehensive security solution to protect their vessels from rising cyber threats

Case Study / Cloud Based Security Solutions for Vessel Cyber Protection

Client Overview

Our client, a major player in the maritime industry, needed a comprehensive security solution to protect their vessels from rising cyber threats. With critical operations dependent on onboard systems, it was essential to implement a solution that could offer both real-time monitoring and offshore management.


Vessels operating globally face increased risks of cyberattacks due to the complex nature of their IT and OT systems. The client required a scalable, cloud-based solution to ensure the protection of onboard systems, seamless data transmission, and centralized monitoring from offshore.

Our Approach

Codesecure Solutions implemented a cloud-based security architecture designed specifically for the maritime industry. The solution connects and monitors multiple vessels from a dedicated cloud platform, enabling secure, centralized management of all systems. The architecture works as follows:

1. Agent Deployment: We first installed lightweight security agents on all critical systems aboard the vessel
2. Connection to Captain’s PC: These agents are connected to the central onboard control system, usually the Captain's PC, which acts as a local hub
3. Dedicated Device for Data Transfer: From the Captain’s PC, a dedicated device securely transfers all the collected data to the Master Cloud
4. Offshore Monitoring: From the master cloud, our team monitors and manages the cybersecurity posture of all connected vessels through a dedicated platform located offshore

Architecture Diagram

Vessel PC Architecture

How It Works

• Vessel Security Agents: Installed on all systems, these agents monitor and collect data regarding system health, potential threats, and network traffic.Installed on all systems, these agents monitor and collect data regarding system health, potential threats, and network traffic
• Captain’s PC as a Hub: The captain’s PC aggregates this data and securely forwards it to the master cloud via a dedicated device
• Master Cloud: The data is sent to the master cloud, where it is stored, analyzed, and used for real-time monitoring. This cloud infrastructure ensures secure data transmission and communication between the vessel and the offshore platform
• Offshore Monitoring: Through a centralized offshore platform, our security team can monitor all vessels, receive alerts, and take necessary actions to prevent or respond to cyber threats in real-time

Centralized Security Solutions for Maritime (CSSM)


• Comprehensive Protection: The client now benefits from robust, real-time cybersecurity across all their vessels, reducing the risk of potential attacks
• Centralized Management: All vessel systems are securely connected to a single platform, allowing for efficient and coordinated management
• Enhanced Visibility: The dedicated offshore monitoring ensures complete visibility into the security status of every vessel, empowering the client to act swiftly in case of incidents


Our cloud-based security solution provides the client with the tools needed to safeguard their fleet from modern cyber threats. By combining vessel-level security with centralized cloud monitoring, we have enabled a seamless, scalable, and secure maritime security infrastructure.

Looking to secure your fleet from cyber threats? Contact Codesecure Solutions to learn more about our cloud-based maritime security solutions.

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